Saved searches

The methods available here are related to saved searches.


Create a new saved search associated with the current account.

It requires three arguments:

  • name: The “slug” name for this saved search. It must consist of only lowercase ASCII letters, numbers and hyphens. This is the text which must be used when using the “search:name” syntax. If this parameter is not included a name will be generated automatically based on the title.
  • title: The display name for the SavedSearch.
  • search: The search string to save.

For example, the following request creates a saved search associated with the account:


The method returns a JSON serialized version of the new saved search, like the following result:

{"name": "first",
 "title": "First Computer",
 "search": "id:1"}


Edit a saved search associated with the current account.

It takes three arguments:

  • name: The “slug” name for this saved search, this is the text which must be used when using the “search:name” syntax. A saved search with this name must already exist in the account.
  • title: The new display name for the saved search. If this parameter is not included then the title will not be modified.
  • search: The search string to save. If this parameter is not included then the search string will not be modified.

For example, the following request edits the title of a saved search associated with the account:


The method returns a JSON serialized version of the new saved search, like the following result:

{"name": "first",
 "title": "First Computer",
 "search": "id:1"}


Retrieve saved searches associated with the current account.

It also supports two optional arguments:

  • limit: The maximum number of results returned by the method. It defaults to 1000.
  • offset: The offset inside the list of results.

For example, the following request looks for saved searches associated with the account and limits the result to 20 saved searches:


The method returns a JSON serialized list of saved searches, like the following result:

[{"name": "first",
  "title": "First Computer",
  "search": "id:1"}]


Remove a saved search associated with the current account.

It requires one argument:

  • name: The “slug” name for this saved search.

For example, the following request removes a saved search associated with the account:
